UTG1000A function/arbitrary waveform generators adopt direct digital synthesis technology to produce accurate and stable waveform output with 1Hz resolution. Modulations such as AM, PM, FM, ASK, FSK etc. with internal or external source, linear and logarithmic sweeps and USB interface are available. The panel is ergonomically constructed for simple operation.
Designing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing of electronic and electroacoustic devices, such as circuit and equipment testing in cellular and wireless systems, broadcasting, television and radio systems; semiconductor component testing etc.
Ürünün Genel Özellikleri :
1. Sezgisel arayüz tasarımı
2. Tek kanal
3. 125MS / s örnekleme hızı, 14 bit dikey çözünürlük
Uni-t UTG1005A Fonksiyon / Arbitrary Ürüteci1. Sezgisel arayüz tasarımı 2. Tek kanal 3. 125MS / s örnekleme hızı, 14 bit dikey çözünürlük 4. Entegre analog ve dijital tasarım 5. 4.3 inches TFT LCDUNİ-T UTG1005A